Monday 18 April 2011

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full prod

Throughout creating my product i have learned a lot and i have progressed durastically. Research and planning My research and planning has become a lot more effective. For example, i now kow exactly what to look for in an existing products and i now know wat they are trying to achieve by using different colours etc. Therefore, in my Final AS product i created my product inline with other professional products, whereas with the preliminary task i just created it almost on a whim. (have a more detailed understanding of the forms and conventions of real media products). I also managed my time a lot better so i could do my research and planning a lot more effectively and by using new programs such as prezi, i layed out my planning research in a better way that i could look at and use for my construction more effectively. Construction In my construction, my knowledge of using a camera increased durastically, i went from just simply taken a picture with no proper knowledge apart from what button takes the picture, to learning about things such as shutter speed etc. I learned about how shot composition was important and i was thinking whilst taking the photograph how it would fit into my magazine, because of this i used a white background with high-key lighting. My product layout was also a lot more effective in my final product. This was because of an increased knowledge of how professional products look and a superior knowledge of how to use the programs (photoshop and indesign). I learned things such as the leading and height of text and the text to image ratio etc. And i learned about alignment and how this is important along with how to use effective font and make them look clear and bold so that it stand's out to the target audience.

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