Wednesday 2 February 2011

Article Drafts


First Draft

Live, Love, Learns new up and coming album has been largely anticipated for months now and the excitment of the loyal fans is almost unbearable. It is considered to be one of the top albums of the year, according to crtitics everywhere.

When we first heard it here at feedback! magazine, we had to note the huge emotional release of the vocalist throughout the album, along with the melodic riffs written by the band.

It is clear throughout listening to the album, and the way they now play, that they have transformed as a band from when we at feedback! first heard them as a small, unknown band from Bristol, all the way back in 2004. They have struck a balance between the rough around the edges first album and the perhaps over-refined second album to find the perfect sound.

We catch up with them in an exclusive interview:

I feel that this is an okay introduction, however i think it sometimes sounds a bit impersonal, for example not naming the band and not treating them too much as individuals, this is something that i will change in my final draft. I also think the name of the band works better without commers.

Final Draft

Live Love Learns new and upcoming album has been largely anticipated and is considered to eb one of the top albums of the year, according to critics nationwide.

We heard the album here at Feedback! magazine and thought that we had to note the emotional release of vocalist Sarah Newman and the melodic riffs written by guitarists Tom Allen, Sam Thompson and drummer James Mathews.

It is clear that they've come a long way since the last album and have almost transformed as a band fromt he early days when we first heard them at Bristol back in 2004! They have struck a balance between the rough around the edges first album and the perhaps over-refined second album ro find the perfect sound. We catch up with them in an exclusive interview;

Here i have used the first draft and targetted bits that i thought needed changing, that i mentioned in the first draft, such as the impersonal approach that tyhe first draft took.

Interview with band

First draft

FB: Cheers guys, im glad you took the time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions for us today. So, how do you think your album will be recieved?
TA: We are really excited about the new album and hope we found a good balance between the two former albums. I also hope the fans can handle it as it sounds like nothing we have done before. haha.
SN: It has been a while, so i think we are all quite nervous, but i hope we have still kept fans and maybe we will even find some new ones. haha.

FB: You mentioned its been 3 years, are you a bit nervous about the way the music scene has changed?
TA: Yes, but i hope the fans will have stuck by us. Haha. But we have all stayed in music, with side projects and such that have all seemed to go down well, so im sure we will be fine, we're definatly excited about the future.

FB: Whats happening in the future then? Any plans of tours and such?
JM: Well, to go with the new album, we have a loosely planned tour across europe and Australia, which we are really excited for, it will be probably be loosely planned for the whole thing. Haha. But we are really excited cos we rarely get the chance to play outside of the uk, so to have the oppertunity to do a whole tour abroad will be amazing.

FB: Is it fair to say that this album has had more band input than indivisual input?
JM: I think weve all influenced past records, but probably now more than ever. We have all worked together on this one, instead of writing individual parts.
ST: We have definatly gone a different way with this album, but the leaks that have been exposed to the internet have gone down well, so i think we have pulled it off! Haha.

FB: So when can we expect to hear this album and have you got any plans for writing in the future?
JM: You can expect our album to be released mid march, and it will be called Brave enough to fail.
ST: We are all just goina take it how it comes i think, but hopefully writing in the future is a possibility.
SN: I think we are all up for writing more, but we dont want to make any promises! Haha.

FB: Cool, cheers! Anyone you'd like to say thanks to then?
JM: Yeah, we'd like to thank all the fans that have stuck by us, our record label; Purgatory records , and all the other bands that have helped us out with writing this album and touring.

I am generally happy with this. I like the way all the band has a equal imput and i like the way it is layed out, question and answer in a discussion format. However, i will change the 'haha' to (laughs) and i will also change some of the language used to make the interview 'flow'. However, i liked the way i used both correct grammer, but some slang to portray the way it was said in real life. For example, words such as 'goina' and 'cos'. I also feel that its got to be more directed at the UK, since its a UK magazine, for example, in the touring question, I will also mention that they are returning to the UK.

Final Draft

FB: Cheers guys, im glad you found the time to escape your busy schedule to answer some questions for us today. So, how do you think your album will be recieved?
TA: We are really excited and hope we have found a good balance of the last two albums.
SN: It's been 3 years, so we are always going to be a bit nervous. But i hope we have still kept fans and will maybe even find some more.

FB: You mentioned it's been 3 years, are you not a bit nervous of the way the music scene has changed?
TA: Yes, but i think fans will have stuck by us (laughs) we have all had side projects that seemed to go down well so we are just excited about the future.

FB: What's happening in the future then? Any plans of tours and such?
JM: We are planning on touring across Europe and maybe Australia this year. We are really excited because we have never toured out of the Uk. We are also excited to go back to London because we always get a really good reception there.

FB: Is it fair to say that the whole band has had a much more creative influence on this album then?
JM: I think we've all influenced the band in the past, but probably now more than ever. We have all worked with each other, instead of writing our own individual parts.
ST: We've definitely gone a different way with this album, but the leaks have been recieved extremely well on the internet, so i think we've pulled it off! (laughs)

FB: So when can we expect to hear this album? And have you got any plans for the future?
JM: You can expect our album to be released in mid march, and it will be called Brave Enough To Fail.
ST: We are just goina take it how it comes i think, but hopefully writing in the future is on the cards.
SN: I thinkw e are all up for writing more, but we dont want to make any promises! (laughs)

FB: Cool, thanks! Would you like to make any thanks then?
JM: Yeah, we'd like to thank all the fans that have stuck by us, our label; Purgatory Records and all the bands that have supported us with writing this album and touring.

I am happy with this interview, i think it gives a good insight to the band and it sounds personal to the band. It also gives the fan all the information they would want to know, in a funny, conversational kind of way, which is, in my opinion, layed out properly and shows how the interview happened.

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