Wednesday 2 February 2011

Proposal of ideas

I intend to create a music magazine in print format. I intend the target audience for this magazine to be between the ages of about 17-27 (i found from my audience research and by going to shows etc. that it is approximatly this age that are into this genre of music) who are interested in hardcore/metal music and are passionate about it enough to look for music, buy magazines, go to shows etc. As this genre of music is not mainstream, the vast majority of readers would be passionate and interested in music and will search for music as this genre is primerily quite underground. The purpose of the magazine, like other music magazine's is to inform and entertain the reader. To inform them with news on albums, new artists, dates for shows etc. and to entertain them using interviews with bands etc. Therefore my cover includes advertisments for interviews and album reviews etc. The main reason people buy magazines is because they are interesting to read and entertaining. Because it is about the type of music the readers listen to, interest will already have been generated. For the cover of my magazine i will have a large picture of the artist i will interview in the magazine. I want this artist to look a little big crazy, on the edge and also superior to the reader. I will also use free postors and exclusive's to try and draw attention and put my magazine above other's of the same type. I will also advertise what else is inside with the name of the artist and a brief description. In the contents i will use a small font to try and fit all the information needed onto the page. I will have a picture surrounded by information of whats inside the magazine, including the magazine regulars ( letters etc.) and the interviews etc. The double page spread will include a picture of the band on one page and an interview in a small font on the next. The picture will overlap a bit to form more of a bond between the interview and picture. However i want my product to be origional. Therefore because my magazine is more hardcore than it is metal im going to stick to a simple format instead of making busy. This will make it look clean which is unconventional for a basically metal magazine. I will also keep to basic colours. Black and white will be the main colours along with the colours within the pictures i will take. I got my inspiration for this from my textual analysis. Whilst it was mainly indie magazines that had simple designs and colour and metal magazines with busy designs, for the double page spread i preferred the look of a simple design and the idea of trying something new. However i will keep the cover with a fairly busy design to draw potential readers to this magazine. Also, metal/hardcore is a very wide range of genres but all the genres take influences from one another so they will be relativly easy to link together. This magazine will also be quite cheap. This is because with hardcore music, things are done for the love of the music not entirely for the financial profit. I will also have the artist on the cover looking at the camera. I think this helps form a connection between the cover artist and the reader.

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