Tuesday 1 February 2011

mood board

This mood board shows the style of music i will be writing about in my magazine. It shows a cross between hardcore, metal and more mainstream rock/metal (to attract more people of the target age). By doing this mood board, i have been able to play around with photoshop a bit and learn some of the basic skills. It has also allowed me to have a play around at trying to show the messy, used kind of feel like magazines such as kerrang use. I did this by placing the images in the mood board so there not perfectly alligned etc. make them look messy and put some at angles etc. I also think it also looks like a wall of a room of the target audience would look like, with randomly, crammed postors overlapping each other etc. I am going to try and put this effect into my magazine so it was a good oppertunity to play around with the type of effect. I also made the mood board black and white. Thats simply because i think it looked more appropriate to the target syle of music in black and white rather than in colour. For example, the cover below;

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