Tuesday 1 February 2011

Defining my target audience

I have used the website http://www.uktribes.com/ to try and show what my intended audience is.
As you can see here, there is a link between the group 'skaters' and the group 'metal heads'. This will be the same as in my magazine. There will actually be quite a large range of music but as they can all link up like this (stereotypical skating music links with 'metal head' music) fairly easily. The group 'metalheads' is also large and covers a large genre of music. Within metal (which is quite a generic term) there are also loads of sub genres, such as hardcore, punk, metalcore, melodic hardcore, death metal and the list goes on. I am going to focus mainly on hardcore and the music that stems from that. Which goes hand in hand with skatepark sports and going to music shows etc.

I think this video relates to a lot of the potential audience for this genre of music. Lots of people find the same kind of emotional release in the music as they do skating or bmxing etc. And i think the fashion of this has carried on. Recently the dress sense has generally divided into; People who wear skinny jeans with extra large tshirts, the people who dress completely average, like say, someone from a mainstream rock band (slim jeans, nike trainers etc.) and the people who dress extremely fashionable and who take a lot of influence from the indie scene;

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