Wednesday 2 February 2011


I will make my cover look quite clean, with a block of features inside the magazine on the left hand side and sell lines etc. With a large picture of a band int he middle and a large title.-

For the contents, i am going to write in a fairly small font and simply make it informative about where everything is in the magazine. I will have a featured and regulars section to make it easier to understand and quicker to get to where you want. I will also include an image like most other professional contents pages just to make it look more interesting. The descriptions of whats in the magazine will be quite brief however they will be more indepth than on the cover.

For the double page spread i will have on one page a large title and picture of the band with a quotation and then on the next i will have the full interview. I will have the image overlapping into the interview slightly to show they are together and to give it that 'ratty' feel to themagazine

( like in most metal magazines). however, it msut still look quite 'clean cut' in the way it is rpesented, suing continuity with the use of colours (red white and black) and making it easy to read and look at.

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