Wednesday 2 February 2011

Article Planning

For my article (double page spread), the main focus will be to entertain the reader. The style of the article will be as an interview with the band 'livelovelearn'. It will be entertaining and mainly informative. They will be talking about an upcoming album and tour and because the interview will be kept short, this will all have to be answered quickly.

The narrative will be in 3rd person. This is because as i will script the interview as a conversation between the interviewer and the band. For example;
interviewer: what did you have for breakfast this morning?
band: toast
I feel that this is the best and most simple way to record an interview. I feel that if there is any humour in the interview it will be shown best this way and the whole interview when written down flows better like this. I will use the initials for anybody talking, for example, for the magazine (FEEDBACK!) it will be FB: and then for the initials the person, for example, for Sam Thompson would be ST:

As it is an interview, when it is written down it will be seen to be quite formal with basically a question then answer, but it will actually be more like an informal conversation with the band. Even though it is generally question and answer, the band will develop on some questions and it will become more of a conversation than a strict question/answer interview. For example, when more than one band member contributes to an answer and it develop's from there. However just so its easier to read it will be kept quite formal in the magazine. I feel that by keeping it as more of a conversation will get more out of the band members and allowing them to develop more on the questions brings out more humour and more information.

The language will be kept at a good medium between using 'slang' and keeping it grammatically correct. So that it's easier to read it will generally be kept gramatically correct. However sometimes so that the reader can get a sense of an accent or a joke etc. Slang will be used. For example; using 'cos instead of because. I also think that this will help the reader relate more to the band because if it seems they use 'posh' language it might defer the reader a little bit from the band as opposed to if they spoke like the reader. I also think that slang should be used for example if someone says something such as chillin' or cruisin', just to add to the effect of what whoever is saying it is trying to achieve and to make it more humerous.

It will open with a introduction of the band to the readers, named each member, their role in the band, a little bit about the band and what style they are etc. then it will quickly develop into a question/answer layout. The questions i will ask are; and it will end with the band saying thanks to anyone they feel helped them, for example, parents, record labels etc.

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