Tuesday 1 February 2011

Audience Research - questionairre

To make sure my product will meet the expectations of my audience I am going to carry out some research. To get the most effective results I will need both quantitative and qualitative data. To get quantitative results I am going to carry out a questionnaire, and to get qualitative,I will ask several people the same questions.

Here is the questionnaire im going to produce and distribute:


Gender:Male Female

Age:15-18 19-20 21-25 25+

Do you read music magazines?

Do you prefer simple designs or more busy designs?


Do you prefer more pictures or more text in a magazine?


What’s your favourite musical artist and favourite genre?

................................................................ ................................................................
What is your favourite music magazine?


Would you prefer more expensive, higher quality magazines, or cheaper, lower quality magazines?


Would you prefer weekly or monthly magazines? ( There would be more content in a monthly magazine)


Would you be more interested in magazines if there were free gifts? (It may make the magazine more expensive)


Would features such as ‘world exclusives’ make you more interested in buying a magazine?

Do you tend to ‘stick’ to one magazine or read various music magazines?

Thank You

This questionnaire will help me find out what my target audience like from a magazine and this will help me design a magazine that will attract to my target audience. I focused my questionnaire mainly, on people aged between

15-25. This is because it is the age i think are most interested in new music of the genre that i intend to write about. I have also based all the questions around what the target audience would want to see within a music magazine with a rock or indie genre.

Male/ Female. It is 70% male and 30 % female

Age grouping: 50% of the people i asked were betw

een 15-18, 30% w

ere between 19-20, 21-25 was 10% and over 25 was 10%

this graph tells us that 80% of the people i asked read music magazines, however 20% do not buy them but still said they sometimes take interest in them.

This graph tells us that 50% of the people i asked prefered simple designs and 50% prefered complex designs.

this chart tells us that 80% of the people i asked actually prefer lots of text, however most say they also like pictures as well.

This chart is about the artists and genres. There was a wide range of genres, but the most popular was metal/rock with 30% other genres included pop, drum and bass, dance etc.

This chart is for faveroute music magazine. The majority of 60% said kerrang magazine ( a metal magazine) and the other 30% said NME (indie, rock). Only 10% choose Q magazine (pop, indie).

This tells me that 70% of the people asked prefer higher quality, more expensive magazines and 30% prefer cheaper, lower quality magazines.

This chart tells me that 60% prefer monthly magazines with more content and 40% would prefer weekly mag

azines with less co

ntent. However it seems monthly is now more popular because people ca

n hear about immediate news on the internet so dont use magazines for immediate news. This also ties up with the

last question. Monthly ma

gazines are more likely to be more expensive and higher q

uality than weekly magazines.

60% said theyd like free gifts even if it made the magazine more expensive, wheras 40% said they wouldnt.

80% said that features such as world exclusives would attract them more to a magazine. Wheras 20% said they wouldnt be bothered.

70% of people asked said they stick to 1 magazine and only 30% said they read various magazines and 'skip' around.

Write up:

I asked 10 people aged between 15-25 tom complete my questionnaire. I found out that all of the people i asked are interested in music magazines, even if some may not buy them.

The most popular genre i found out was the metal/rock genre. I found this from asking the target audience for their faveroute artist, faveroute genre of music and what musical magazines they read. Therefore i could find out what exact genre they like most, but also what else they like. I also concluded that the people more into metal tended to prefer busy desings and the people into the more indie genre prefer simple designs. I also concluded that there seems to be more of a market for the indie genre as that was the most popular genre in my questionairre. However, as there is still a market for the rock music, i think i will make my magazine attract audiences from other genres as well as the metal genre. However it primerily attract to a metal audience.

I also found out from this research, that my target audience tend to prefer a cheaper, weekly magazine to keep on top of news etc. (like kerrang). In general i also found out that my target like free stuff such as postors, stickers etc. but not large free stuff that would increase the price of the magazine. Also i know that things such as world exclusives etc. Attracts the target audience and maybe other potential readers that are not particularly the target audience.

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