Wednesday 2 February 2011

Journalism skills development

I took some time to look at existing journalism articles such as reviews for albums, live concerts and interviews. Things i looked out for were; the style of the article, word count and words per line in each article, how the article grabs the attention of people, seeing wether or not there is a 'kicker' paragraph and wether or not there is a use of alliteration and play on words. I also looked for the structure of the article, Articles can work like newspaper stories with the most important content at the start, with progressively less important content following on. If the most important content comes later, how will you make sure your readers keep reading till they get to it?

Ive also got to look for the beginning and end. How does the content sound important, dramatic, exclusive, new, different, something that must be read? And what would make the ending of your article have impact, be punchy or dramatic? Is there something that would sum up the spirit of the article, what it has found out or revealed? What will the future hold for the artist / band? Etc.

Below, is an album review that i attempted to write about the more than life album 'love let me go'.

The huge emotional release of the singer James Matthews was the first thing that struck me when i began listening to the increadably aggressive, angry and meaningful album that is love let me go. The lyrcisist that is James Matthews could make you forget that the whole album is written about a single girl and makes the album even more impressive. Especially since most of us can relate to situations like what he's shouting about. His raw and limited voice goes perfectly with the ratty image that is more than life and migth we remind you that the band recorded the album in 4 days onto garage band. So they barely think of themselves as proffessionals, and although you can hear the recording quality, the guitars are top notch, dishing out moments of dissonance before beautiful ambiance and aggression. As with scarlet skyline and daisy hill, there is a demonstration of prominent lead guitar that magnifys the emotion dripping feel of the track.

This album is the reason i will look back on 2010 with positive eyes, saying it was a good for uk hardcore. Love let me go is the sound of a sorrow filled heart going through recuperation and James' lyrics are amazing for this. This album is a definate hidden gem amongst a sea of average music with every single. song being a gripping emotional story, a definate all killer no filler album.

The album is messy. Recorded in 4 days onto garage band, we can see why. These guys dont see themselves as professionals and definatly arnt obnoxious rock stars. However the amount of effort and emotion that is put through the mic shows how much music means to them and just because the album is messy doesnt mean it takes anything away from it.

More than life are a band that lie calmy beneath the surface of uk hardcore, occasionally bursting out with something huge, then just retreating to the background once again to work on their newest project, but they never burn out and i cant wait to see what their next project is.

I am working simply with what i have picked up from reading other articles etc. as i did not take english. However i think this is okay, i just need to keep it creative with the language and follow the conventions, because i feel with text, it is better to follow the conventions because it gets to messy if you dont.

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